
Friday, June 21, 2013

if your friends jumped off a bridge....

Five on Friday. Because everyone else is doing it...

1. North West
Am I just insane for not hating this name? I mean, it's not a direction I would take baptizing my own progeny, but...I feel it could have been so much worse. I am not crazy about "Nori" (as someone obsessed with the late Nora Ephron, I would have much preferred Nora, but...then that very pretty name would be tainted, best). If you are at all preoccupied with baby names, especially celebrity ones, you should be reading Duana of, my favorite, Lainey Gossip. Her thoughts on how this name might guide North West's life are pretty brilliant. If your moral compass allows hating on baby names, this article will provide you with some most impressive remarks. 

2. Don't Seek Revenge

I read Revenge Wears Prada, the sequel to Devil Wears Prada. I wanted so much to love it, as I did its big sister and its movie cousin.  There isn't much to offer about it except to say it's super underwhelming. That is all. 

3. Blowouts for life

I budget funds for weekly blowouts. I am prepared for the judgement, but in a chair at DryBar is my happy place, and my thick, frizzy hair can last a full work week when professionally dried. This week,  the 1,111,111th customer will score blowouts for life. Sunday is my lucky day, I just feel it. 

4. Recipe - Trader Joe's Wine Country Chicken Salad

At the advice of my friend, Jocelyn, I recently tried Trader Joe's WineCo Chicken Salad. It is very close to authentic Southern chicken salad as one can buy. If Trader Joe's isn't whole foods enough for you, then you can make your own. I found a recipe for it here . 

5. Gray (but not blue...) haired bloggers
Dee and I have been chatting about doing a link-up soon for bloggers in the 35 to 45-year old demographic.  In real, as in blog, life I have friends at every age and stage, but I would love to find some new sites written by older-ish women. 

You too can take the bridge leap. Link up with Five for Friday here.


Dee Stephens said...

Let's do the link up! We should set it for next Wednesday!

MCW said...

I would not participate since you deemed us "olderish" and it would probably depress the hell out of me.

And that name confuses me! So weird. But, yes it could have been worse!

I Do Declare said...

HA!!! I was simply playing off the word "new" because I am cheesy. Of course, I don't really think we're old!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

I would be game, girls!! Let me know. I'm traveling a lot in July, but you may have to raise the age to 46. :) Gah!! I guess I still qualify...still 44.

Tricia said...

Count me in with you and Dee on the over 35 bloggers, and you better join Molly and I on the next HH!! :) We also need to set a date to visit Dee.

Have a great weekend!


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