
Friday, March 18, 2011

A Preview: My Royal Wedding Watch Party

I don't know about you, but my vacation request for April 29th has been approved for weeks.

Yes, I am taking time off work to watch The Wedding. You aren't?

I got a little pushback on this, initially, from Dan. Then I quickly reminded him of all the times he has scheduled leave for: a latenight at the Ravens game, opening day for the O's, or (as you'd find him today) for watching March Madness with friends. Now he gets it.

In my world, The Wedding is equally important.

Yes, there will be a party, co-hosted by my friend Her Lady Mary D of The Kentlands. I think you can guess the inspiriation for our invitation....

Celebrating will begin on the eve of the nupts so that those who are most interested can gather together for a rehearsal dinner of English treats and a formal viewing (via VHS - something old!!) of Princess Diana's wedding followed by Bridget Jones' Diary...unless the fancy foods leave us feeling quite proper, then instead we'll likely opt Pride and Prejudice. Afer, we'll grab a quick nap before rising to watch Wills + Catherine in real time. Maybe wearing Union Jack pajamas...

I have questioned, many times, my excitement for this. It seems a tad silly, I know, seeing as I'm a grown woman who has had her own wedding and isn't even British, but I'm firmly putting those doubts behind me as Mary + I formalize this wedding watch party.

Knowing I'm not alone has helped. I've already declined one invite to another watch party, and learned that a fellow Tennesseean I don't even know in D.C. sent out invites not unlike ours. The Donald is in on this action, as is The Ritz.

Now that I've embraced my sophomoric ways, it goes without sayig that napkins have been ordered. They may be tacky, with hearts intertwined and William and Catherine printed in metallic gold. And the date. YES!!!!

There might be a drinking game - for the pre-wedding coverage only. The ceremony is far too official and sacred to mar with silly mockery, but a mimosa sip for every time someone says "future princess", the slamming of one's Pimms should Kate's mom be chewing gum pre-wedding, why....that will make getting up before the sun all the more tolerable. 

The menu has not been finalized, though there will be mini Beef Willingtons and probably also some Tea Cakes Kates...perhaps shipped from my favorite Knoxville bakery and adorned with crowns. Over-the-top, yes, but how many times do grown women have slumber parties on a Thursday night?

Finally, I'm envisioning strands of faux jeweled necklackes in bowls for guests to grab for pajama adornment.... Mardi Gras, only more regal.

I am looking still for Royal Wedding printables, but so far, haven't found much on the webs. If you see anything, please let me know. Also, I'd love to hear some of your plans to make an occasision out of this Occassion....


Leigh Powell Hines said...

Oh, my gosh! I love your post today, and love the food that you are having. So cute! I know you are knew to my blog, but if you go back to January when I first started, you'll see that I put in for my "day off,", too.

I have a post up today that you might like, too.

Have a great weekend.

Dee Stephens said...

WOW! What an awesome idea! I might have to steal! I haven't asked for the day off but I might have to now!

Kate G. said... I need an invite to this! Sounds so fun. Great idea!!

Shannon said...

So fun! I think it's a great idea...this is A BIG deal!

Hope your week is off to a great start!


Kitchen Belleicious said...

Oh I can't wait to see it. Might even dress up to watch it in my own house! lOL! just kidding!

Hyphen Interiors said...

What a fun post. I think it's a great idea. I wanted to thank you for reading about my chair project on Emily A Clark today and for commenting! I appreciate that!

Hyphen Interiors said...

I would have just emailed you back (from your comment alert email that I got), but it said no-reply. I learned how to change that recently myself. Anyway, I absolutely will post photos of the master when it's complete - should be 2-3 weeks from now. I have a table to order and get and some art to make (or try to make). Then, it's ready! And, we can track it from conception to fruition. Yay.

Andrea Hardy said...

I am so jealous! Jessica and I were planning on being together for the wedding until we realized it was a Friday. I love all of the details. I am just sad that I can't find anyone around here who is as excited as me about THE wedding!

Unknown said...

Ok! This is just too cute and fun! You are so clever (clever enough to earn a spot in an article on the Today website)!!!

Andrea said...

OMGosh! I love it! You're doing exactly what I wish I was doing for the wedding. Too bad we don't live in Knoxville anymore! Otherwise, I might have to grab my tiara, some Union Jack jammies, and crash! ;^)

Elizabeth Mandros said...

Come on over to Mystique Jewelers in Old Town Alexandria, on Thursday night, April 28, 5-8PM. We're throwing a Princess Party; we'll wear tiaras, sip champagne and best of all try on jewelery fit for a queen. And it's free! Check it out:

Ru said...

i put this as an offcial day off too. I put it on my work calendar like a friends wedding lol

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Somerset Wedding Girl said...

This all sounds like it was mega exciting! We all got April 29th off in the UK, lucky us!


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