
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

pledging beta chi {charlotte bloggers}

Y'all know that my blog BFF is Dee from Dee's Adventures.   Last month I flew down to Charlotte to celebrate her as she awaits her first baby. I went to her baby shower (which had adorable, steal-worthy details - read about it here!) and got to meet some of her oldest friends - it was a great time!

I also got to meet a ton of  Dee's Charlotte blogger friends.

The Charlotte area seems to have a really great group of bloggers who meet up often and support each other  in the real world as well as the world wide web'ed one. I have joked in comments before that they should call them selves Beta Chi for Bloggers Charlotte. 

The Beta Chi blog class above features Classic Annie, Looks Like Lulu, Reporter Turned Mommy (like me, though, Kathleen is just a pledge - hee), Dee, A. Liz Adventures and Mr and Mrs

It was so fun to meet in person some of the bloggers I read often, and to meet new bloggers whom I've started following!


Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

What a fun time, everyone looks so colorful and bright!

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun!!!! I totally wish I lived near something like this! I loved everyone's outfits as well... Completely cute!

I Do Declare said...

Those girls are cute - I wish I lived closer sometimes, too!

Dee Stephens said...

YAY! We should name our group :)

LuLu said...

Aw! Love it! It was so nice to meet you and I saw the Buddy dog you gave Dee last night! So sweet

Annie said...

So fun meeting you!!!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

They are a good looking bunch. You looked lovely, too.

Deviled Megs said...

Love this post -- so great to see so many bloggers turned friends IRL :)


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