
Friday, August 5, 2011

Gettting What You Ask For...

Remember a few weeks ago when I talked about how the heat wasn't bothering me at all? Remember just yesterday when I said I wanted ALL the frills of summer to linger for a while?

In a classic, and mildly cruel, case of You Get What You Ask For, the air-conditioning went out in our house yesterday.  Dan's meeting this morning with a repairman, but last, um, sure felt like summer inside our house.

Ever the alarmist,  I was overly concerned about our little Diggers Dog. Chloe was clearly hot, breathing heavier and panting harder than she normally is when sipping cold, filtered water from a glass and eating a Puppy Pop in the A/C, so....I set her up in front of the fan and pulled a cold compress from the freezer for her to snuggle for a while.

I think it helped.

Meanwhile, since fate seems to be delivering everything I request, I might go buy a lotto ticket today. Something tells me paying for this at-home heatwave won't be cheap....



Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

Oh no, not fun! Your dog is so sweet though...what a way to make sure her comfy.

Unknown said...

oh no! We had a very hot and uncomfortable stink with a broken a/c, hope it gets fixed fast!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

Ours went out upstairs this week, too. Cute with the dog.


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