
Friday, January 6, 2012

While The Year is Stll New...

Happy 2012 Friends, real and imaginary!! I've been a bit AWOL from the webs since Christmas, and when that happens to me, it's hard to get back in the groove. While the year is still new, I thought I'd capatlize on (the very few - tisk, tisk!) holiday photos I took.

It isn't just for blogging that I'm not back to normal, though. While typically January 1 for me brings all kinds of dramatic reflection and fresh start resoluting, this year, I haven't felt that one bit. I don't know why....

Maybe it's the lazy, but very relaxing way in which I welcomed in this new year with just a little flannel and fondue at home. And...a boot-legged copy, fresh from the streets of Manhattan, of New Year's Eve, the movie. (It is not an Oscar contender, but it was kind of perfect to watch on 12.31!)

When the clock struck 12, I had Chloe on my lap and Dan by my side. It was very sweet, but hardly the swining celebrations of yesteryears. During the day on New Year's Eve, though, we did meet up with my blog bestie, Dee, for an early (and very fun!) dinner in Baltimore and the intruduction of the Hokie husbands. Still, we were home by 7, and asleep by 12:30.  Hold your confetti...

That slow, easy tone is trickling through January's first week for me, and that's ok. December was wild and busy and fun!

We spent a week in TN with {all} my parents and I also got to see my high school friends for our annual holiday hang.

We had big plans for a night on the town, but it poured rain, so we defaulted to take-out and couch gossiping instead - pretty much like when we were in high school, only with wine instead of wine coolers.

But now, as January's cold blows in Merry Merry has been replaced, welcomed even,  with the minutia. And I'm taking the start of the new year at a turtle's pace, if I'm being honest. I'm ready to hibernate a little, and I'm ready for a big snow. 

What are you ready for in 2012?



Dee Stephens said...

Yay! For a post! I'm ready to fill better! I'm finally going to get it for the day and shower and go and buy brad a birthday gift! It's tomorrow!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

Looks like you had a great holiday.

I wish you much, much happiness in the new year

Your imaginary one....

No, just kiddiing...I'm real.

Whitney from Washington said...

Awe! I had the SAME night in with my girls back home too. I think we discussed 3/4 of the people in my hometown and laughed hard enough to carry us over until the next visit. I'm so glad you had a wonderful holiday "break".

Happy New Year!

The Southland Life said...

Sounds like a perfect way to ring in the New Year!!!


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