
Thursday, October 7, 2010

She Can Bring Home the Bacon......

Recently I've been reading a book called Midlife Crisis at 30.

This book is about how 30 is the new 50 for women when it comes to questioning the decisions we've made in life. It is written by two successful news producers and parallels all the plights of real women (single, married, childless, working and stay-at-home mothers) to well...who else...Carrie Bradshaw. It also weaves the history of our mothers' generation into our own, and kind of blames them for our drama, which is always comforting; I don't know about you, but I love a scapegoat for all that ails me....hee.

Still, Midlife is way clever and not all Eat, Pray, Love - ish because, among other things, the women featured in this book actually deal with their problems State-side. And, in truth, Carrie Bradshaw is only mentioned in passing...

My favorite part of the book is its many chapters dedicated to brave women who totally redirect their paths - personally and professionally -  after turning 30.  I'd recommend this book for women at any age because it's real, smart,
empathetic, inspirational and not too whiney.

That's Cassie on the right

Someone else who is real, smart, empathetic, inspriation and well...also not too whiney is my best friend, Cassie. That is why when the Atlanta Journal Constitution featured women who were brave enough to redirect their own career for a recent feature in its Business section, the paper called her.

Cassie is a brand new mom who went straight from maternity leave from the secure and comfortable position at a company where she'd worked since graduating college, to a challenging new role at a start up company that sells, ironically, diapers. Now there's a working mom with a purpose!
You can read all about Cassie's ladder climbing here...

Midlife Crisis at 30 was written many years ago, but had it been written today, I'm certain the authors, as did the AJC, would have featured my friend...along with so many other women I know who seem to balance so well the choices they have made for themselves.

Since, however, I rarely even get to work on time, it's unlikely I'd make the cut. I'll just stick to reading about those who do...


1 comment:

Anne S said...

Cassie is the coolest!!!


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